Quick Tips for Effective Vacuuming

November 29, 2018 by Mulberry Maids

Tips for effective vacuuming

Want to save time and learn to vacuum more efficiently?  Create a plan and get to work! If you are planning to do other cleaning tasks, such as dusting, make sure to vacuum last, so you don’t have to do twice the work.  Also make sure to have a plan of attack, so you are not just randomly vacuuming areas of the house.

Before you begin to vacuum, make sure your vacuum is clean.  A dirty and clogged vacuum will not be effective in cleaning, and can even make your carpets dirtier.  In addition, go through all of the rooms in your home that you plan to vacuum and pick up the clutter. It is much faster to vacuum an open floor area, than trying to vacuum around objects.  

Lastly, regular and routine vacuuming will be the best way to save time.  Not only will your floors remain cleaner, needing less heavy duty vacuuming, you will keep your house in a more organized state.  The more organized your home is, the easier it will be to maintain a clean house.

So make a plan and start vacuuming!