How to Get Your Toddler to Clean for Fun

March 11, 2020 by Mulberry Maids

house cleaning toddler

Doing housework all by yourself every day can be mind-numbing and exhausting. Even a little help would be priceless and shorten the time you spend cleaning. Luckily, you can find assistance right under your roof. Just have your toddler pitch in!

But first, you’ll have to find a way to motivate them. Making your toddler enjoy cleaning can be difficult, but not with the unmatched house cleaning service in Denver by your side. Read on to find out how to motivate your toddler!

How can I make my toddler clean for fun?

A major part of keeping your home tidy with a toddler is teaching them how to clean up after themselves. On top of that, it wouldn’t hurt them to start doing chores they will need later in life. The trick is to get them interested in cleaning activities in order to hold their attention. Try these methods to ensure fun:

Turn cleaning into a race against time

If there are some books or crayons your toddler needs to put back in their place, ask them to do so in under a minute or two. You can do the same for folding clothes, making their bed and any other age-appropriate chores.

Set up a competition

Give each of your toddlers a toy bin and see who can collect their toys faster. If you have only one child, then set up a competition between the two of you. For instance, you could vacuum the living room, while your kid races to do the dishes. This could be very useful when you’re cleaning with limited time and need to get something done in a hurry.

Also, don’t feel upset if you have to re-do their work. The primary goal is to develop useful habits in your toddler while simultaneously having fun. Their skills will improve over time.

Play some music

Listening to music as they clean will enable your toddler to enjoy an otherwise tedious activity. If the music allows it, encourage your kid to work in the rhythm of the song.

Another reason why you should include music is the fact that it’s incredibly beneficial for their development. Basically, it will help you kill two birds with one stone.

Stick to short tasks

There’s no way to keep your toddler focused on cleaning for longer stretches of time. Instead, have them work in 10-15 minute sessions. This way, they can be asked to clean more often, without the risk of getting bored or tired.

Figure out what chores they prefer

For instance, if your kid likes dusting, then let them do it more often. Don’t demotivate your toddler by forcing them to do jobs they clearly detest. Otherwise, they’ll just start associating cleaning with punishment.

Introduce rewards

Make it clear to your toddler that they will be adequately rewarded for doing some cleaning. This could range anywhere from sweets and new toys to a trip to the cinema.

All in all, engaging your children in housework from a young age is always a great idea. It helps them become aware of the importance of a clean home and instills in them a strong sense of responsibility.

#1 house cleaning in Denver leaves no stone unturned

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Housework can prove to be overwhelming for anyone. You probably need help dealing with it, but there are much better options than your toddlers.

Mulberry Maids can send you the most reliable experts in the area to handle any chore you have for them. All you need to do is reach out to us, and leave the rest to the best!

Unfortunately, enjoying a thrilling street performance at the 16th Street Mall is off limits at the moment due to the COVID-19 outbreak. In the meantime, learn how to keep your home free from coronavirus and spend some quality time with your loved ones.

Book Mulberry Maids, and get a pristine home in no time!