How To Prepare Your Home For The Flu Season

December 1, 2020 by Mulberry Maids

cleaning spray bottle with gloved hand

In addition to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we are entering into the dreaded flu season in Colorado.  While it is always important to take proper precautions against the spread of the flu, this year is especially important.  As always, reducing your contact with other people through physical distancing, wearing a mask, and washing your hands frequently are some of the best defenses. However, you also need to make sure to keep your home clean to help prevent the flu from coming inside.  After all, we are getting the point in the year where the weather is forcing us to spend most of our time inside our homes, which is why you should cut the risk of contamination. 

Keep reading to find out what the top maid service in Fort Collins recommends. Using these tips will keep your home healthy and clean, which will keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy throughout the flu season. 

How to keep your home clean and free from the flu virus

We have talked alot about home cleaning and how it relates to health, such keeping your home free of the coronavirus, the benefits of good air quality in your home, and the overall health benefits of a clean home, and we want to continue to stress just how important a clean home actually is, to help you stay healthy through the upcoming flu season. Here are some of the methods you should follow in your house:

Never wear your shoes inside your home

If taking off your shoes is a constant problem, leave a mat designated for shoes at the front door to get into a habit of taking them off.  Set this rule with your whole family – not only will this help with the health inside your home, it will make keeping it clean that much easier.

Clean and disinfect high touch areas

The flu virus can linger on areas throughout your home, making it extremely important to regularly clean and disinfect these areas: 

  • Doorknobs 
  • Switches
  • Refrigerator and microwave doors
  • Handles and faucets
  • Counters and table tops
  • Toilet and faucet handles
  • Drawer pulls

When cleaning these areas, use a disinfectant spray and a paper towel or microfiber cloth. Work from one side of the surface to the other in order to avoid recontamination. If you are using a reusable microfiber cloth, don’t use it anywhere else in your home until it has been thoroughly washed and dried, preferably with hot water and high heat. 

Don’t neglect your electronics either!  If there are no specific instructions on how to clean them, use alcohol-based sprays or wipes containing at least 70% alcohol, and dry the surface completely.

Get vaccinated 

While cleaning and disinfecting your home can help stop the spread of the flu, nothing is as important as getting the whole family vaccinated.  This will keep everyone safer, as one infected person will spread the flu quickly throughout the whole household regardless of how clean your home is. 

Do laundry regularly 

To help kill any germs, use the highest water temperature settings that your clothing and washing machine will allow for.  Additionally, make sure to completely dry your clothes on the highest setting possible. 

Ventilate your home

While it is tougher to do this through the cold months, try to let outdoor air enter your house as often as possible. It will not only freshen things up but also help remove any viral particles.  Try to do this on a warmer day when the sun is shining – if there is a breeze you won’t need to leave the doors open for too long to get a fresh circulation of new air into your home.

Get ample rest

The benefits of a clean and germ free home will be amplified with good sleeping habits.  Aim to get plenty of sleep (8+ hours per night), and to also make sure to eat a well balanced diet to keep your immune system healthy and strong. 

Wear gloves to clean and wash often 

Gloves can make cleaning safer – from protecting you against germs to avoiding irritating skin contact with chemical cleaners. Once you’re done, always wash the gloves with soap and water and dry them.

If you do not like to wear gloves for cleaning, be sure to wash your hands both before and after the cleaning.

In addition, always wash your hands frequently throughout the day, even when you are not cleaning, and avoid constant touching of your face. 

The best maid service in Fort Collins has got you covered

Mulberry Maids is here for you for all your cleaning needs, from move in and out cleanings to deep cleanings before the holiday season. We strive to make your home pristine and spotless by only employing dependable service oriented cleaners in our local area.

Using our modern online booking software, you can have your home cleaning set up in 60 seconds! Let us take care of your home so you can spend an afternoon checking out art at the Global Village Museum of Arts and Culture. 

Give us a call anytime – we are here to help with everything cleaning related.  Stay safe and healthy, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!