How to Make Sure Your Home is Ready for Fall

October 9, 2020 by Mulberry Maids

Now that summer has come to an end, and we are entering the beautiful fall season, it is a great time to get your home in shape for the cold seasons ahead.  In addition to seasonal home maintenance, you should also make sure to perform a fall deep cleaning, especially with the ongoing pandemic.  As the weather gets colder, we will spend more time indoors, making routine cleaning that much more important. 

Keep reading on to see some tips from your trusted home cleaning in Fort Collins service. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to getting your home in shape for the fall season. 

What should I do to get my home ready for fall?

Getting your home ready for the fall involves more than just cleaning, so if you missed out on some extra summer cleaning, such as summer garage cleaning, summer house cleaning, or simply want to make sure your home is free from coronavirus, now is a good time to catch up on it. But for now, we will be talking about our fall homeowners checklist. Here are some of the most important things to take care of in your house to be ready for fall:

Drain and Remove Hoses

With the temperatures dropping more and more overnight, now is a good time to drain and remove any outdoor hoses to prevent freezing and to even prevent bursting pipes. 

Get Ready For Cold

With the cold coming, now is the time to check for drafts throughout the home to help save on excess energy use.  Areas to check include:

  • Weatherstripping on doors and windows
  • Electrical outlets
  • Baseboards
  • Fireplaces
  • Vents and fans
  • Wall and window mounted AC units

Drafts should ideally be taken care of before it is too cold.  This will make for a more comfortable living experience through the fall and winter months, and will cut the heating bill down.  For example, according to the US Department of Energy, heat loss through windows is responsible for 25-30% of energy use. 

Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Detectors should be checked, tested, and batteries changed at least once per year.  Fall is a great time for this, as the home will be sealed up more, making these detectors that much more important. 

Cut Down Dead Trees and Limbs

Dead trees and limbs have the potential to damage your home depending on where they are.  Clearing out these trees can lessen the risk of damage from snow load or high winds taking these trees down onto your home. 

Inspect Exterior of Home

Similar to inspecting the interior of your home for drafts, do a thorough inspection of the exterior of your home to check for any surprises before the cold weather sets in.  Anything out of the ordinary will be easier to fix in the fall. 

Clear Debris Around Home

This is especially important for gutters, as clogged gutters will not be able to effectively drain snowmelt water and heavy rains from your roof.  This can lead to interior flooding and exterior home damage. 

Similar to gutters, check any other outdoor vents to make sure they are free and clear of any debris that will inhibit their functionality. 

Stowe Away Outdoor Furniture 

While some furniture is supposed to be weatherproof, it is always best to store outdoor furniture inside through the fall and winter.  Not only will this increase the lifespan of your furniture, it will make for a less cluttered looking backyard.  Clutter is not just something to decrease in indoor spaces – outdoor spaces will benefit from a decrease in clutter as well. 

The top home cleaning in Fort Collins is here for all your cleaning needs

Mulberry Maids is here for all your cleaning needs from deep cleaning to standard recurring cleanings. We work with the best cleaners around to make sure your home is healthy and clean, so you don’t have to worry about it.  

So sit back and relax at Odell Brewery while we take care of the cleaning.  We offer top notch cleaning and customer service, and stand 100% behind our work with our happiness guarantee.  Give us a call or book online today!