How to Clean your Kitchen Pantry and Drawers

August 24, 2023 by Mulberry Maids

white kitchen cabinetsKeeping up with kitchen cleaning can be quite a challenge, especially for busy families and working professionals. As one of the top services for home cleaning in Loveland CO, we are here to help your house cleaning in any way we can. For those of you with enough time, this article will provide some guidance in keeping your kitchen pantry and drawers clean and organized. 

If you are struggling to keep up with your cleaning chores, we are here to help take the burden off of you, from one time deep cleanings, to weekly recurring service, we are here to serve you! 

Read on to learn more about keeping your kitchen pantries and drawers clean, organized, and easy to manage!

Why should I clean my kitchen pantry and drawers?

While often overlooked in cleaning, as they can easily fall into the “out of sight, out of mind” area of the kitchen, pantries and drawers should not be neglected. As you do not see them in plain sight each day, like a toaster oven, they can be harboring a great deal of mess. From disorganized drawers, to food spills in the pantry, these areas should not be neglected!

To get started cleaning the pantry and drawers, you will need a few basic cleaning supplies:

  • Vacuum (ideally with a detachable hose)
  • Microfiber cloths
  • All purpose spray (and potentially a degreaser)
  • Scouring pads or magic erasers
  • Mop
  • Trash bags

What is the best way to clean my kitchen pantry?

Once you have your cleaning supplies gathered, you can start to tackle the cleaning of your pantry, which will also include organizing and decluttering it. To adequately deep clean this space, you will first need to remove everything from the pantry. While it is possible to clean around items, you will make much better use of your efforts if the pantry is fully cleared out. 

Begin by going through each item to make sure that it is not trash or could be donated. Once you have sorted out what you will be keeping, begin by wiping off all of the shelves with your cloth, knocking any food debris or dust to the floor. This will be cleaned up afterwards. You can also use a vacuum with a hose attachment to vacuum the pantry shelves, especially in the edges and corners. 

Once the shelves are cleared off, simply spray your all purpose cleaner onto the surface and begin to wipe them down. For areas with stains or spills, you may need to use a degreaser (letting it soak for a few minutes) or a scouring pad or magic eraser for extra power. While you are cleaning this area, take a look at the walls to see if they need to be cleaned as well. It is surprising where food can splatter around!

Once the shelves are thoroughly cleaned, use your vacuum to get up any bits of dust and debris that was knocked down to the ground. Concentrate on the corners and edges. Depending on your pantry layout, you may also be able to mop the bottom of the pantry. 

When the cleaning has been completed, you can return all of your items to the shelves in an organized manner. 

How should I tackle cleaning my kitchen drawers?

Similar to the pantry, when you clean your kitchen drawers, you should start by emptying them completely out. Going through a similar process as your pantry, start with a quick declutter, putting things either in the trash or a donation pile. 

Once they are emptied out, you can use a handheld vacuum hose attachment, or a handheld vacuum, and do the best you can to get all the debris out of the drawers. In addition (or in lieu of vacuuming), you can also use a microfiber cloth with all purpose to get the debris out of the drawers. Don’t worry if it falls onto the floor, you can clean them up later.

Once you have done that, you can move onto wet wiping the drawers. Like your pantry, look out for stains that need to be addressed with a degreaser, scouring pad, or magic eraser. This is also a good time to do a wet wiping of the exterior of the drawers. 

When the drawers are cleaned up well, you can put everything back in. Finish up by cleaning the floor around the drawers with a vacuum and mop, as there will likely be a bunch of debris that has fallen to the floor. 

How often should I clean these areas in my kitchen?

While cleaning these areas is not a difficult task, it can be quite time consuming. It will take effort to empty your pantry and drawers, but the payoff will be huge! Not only will your kitchen be that much cleaner, but the areas that food and silverware are stored will be much better. How often you decide to clean these areas will depend on multiple factors, primarily how often they are used. A pantry for a large family will likely need to be cleaned every couple of months, while a single person may only need to clean it once or twice a year. 

Similarly with drawers, the frequency of use will be the determining factor. Heavily used drawers may need to be cleaned every month or two, while lesser used ones may not have much debris buildup. 

Aiming to do at least a bi-annual kitchen pantry and drawer cleaning is a good goal to shoot for. 

Home cleaning in Loveland CO that is simple and easy to book!

Here in Loveland CO and the greater northern Colorado region, we offer the easiest online booking platform, coupled with simple and thorough customer service and scheduling. Give us a call or text today, and spend a free evening at Door 222 Food & Drink instead of cleaning your home. 

Give us a shout at any time with questions or comments, or simply to get a quote for our services. We offer open and transparent pricing, making it easy for you to book your next home cleaning with us! Thanks for reading, and we will talk with you soon!