How to Clean Toilets the Easy Way

February 13, 2023 by Mulberry Maids

a very clean bathroom sink and toiletWhile toilets are typically one of the least favorite areas of a home to clean, they are actually pretty quick and easy to get into great shape. Keeping your Loveland home clean may be an ongoing challenge, but your toilets never need to fall behind, especially if you have just a few minutes to spare each week!

For those out there with no extra time on your hands, consider hiring the best Loveland cleaning company to pick up the slack, to make sure your home stays in tip top shape all year long! 

Read on to learn more about easy and effective toilet cleaning to help get your bathroom looking spotless!

Where should I start when cleaning my toilets?

Regardless of where you start when cleaning your toilet, similar to cleaning your home gym, consistency will always make your cleaning routine easier. 

You can follow this easy routine to get in a good solid toilet cleaning rhythm:

  • Squirt toilet bowl cleaner in the toilet
  • Clean the exterior of the toilet
    • Depending on your preference, you can either use a disinfecting all purpose spray or a mild all purpose spray with a microfiber cloth
    • Make sure to look at the edges and corners, and pay attention to high touch areas
    • Don’t forget to clean behind the toilet
    • Take a look for stains on the floor around the base of the toilet
  • Clean the inside of the toilet bowl
    • The toilet bowl cleaner should have had some time to work into the bowl
    • Use a toilet bowl brush to scrub the inside and under the rim
    • If the bowl has been consistently cleaned, this should be really easy
    • For a bowl that has been neglected for a long time, it may require harder scrubbing and more product
    • For hard water stains, a specific water or lime stain remover may need to be used, sometimes having it sit overnight to fully work
    • A pumice stone can also be used to scrub away stains in the toilet bowl (make sure that it is safe to use with your toilet bowl to avoid any damage)
  • Disinfect the bowl and brush
    • Once the toilet has been cleaned and scrubbed, you can pour some disinfectant into the toilet bowl (if your toilet bowl cleaner does not contain a disinfectant already)
    • Spray it along the rim so that it drains downwards coating the bowl
    • You can use a store bought disinfectant or bleach depending on your preference
    • If you clean the toilet very often, you may not need to disinfect it each time
    • To easily clean and disinfect the brush, simply fill up the brush holder with hot soapy water, and add a few drops of bleach into it
      • Swish the mixture around with the brush in the holder (or alternatively, leave the brush in toilet bowl with the disinfectant)
      • Run water over the brush and holder to clean it out before storing it away

How often should toilets be cleaned?

You should aim to clean your toilet on a weekly basis, and potentially more if they are heavily used. If you have multiple bathrooms in your home that all get used frequently, a good way to make sure they are getting cleaned on time is to use a rotating cleaning schedule. Instead of trying to clean all the toilets at once, designate a couple days of the week to clean each one. For example, if you have four toilets in the home, try to clean two of them on Monday and the other two on Wednesday. 

How long should it take to clean a toilet?

If you are cleaning your toilet on a weekly basis, it can potentially take less than five minutes to clean. Once you get the routine down, you will get faster each time, and the toilet will be staying cleaner. You probably won’t need to disinfect it each time, and shouldn’t have to deal with any heavy duty scrubbing as they will be getting cleaned so consistently. 

For toilets that need a deep cleaning or have been neglected, it could take half an hour to get adequately cleaned, as there will be more scrubbing, and you may need to use a pumice stone to help work away old water stains. 

The Loveland cleaning company with the highest standards!

At Mulberry Maids, we can honestly say that we only work with the top cleaning professionals in Loveland. We are fully trained, with the highest quality and service in mind for all of our customers!

We always strive to go above and beyond, making sure that you are completely satisfied with your cleaning! Have an issue with it, just let us know, and we will come back to fix any areas that were not adequately cleaned in no time! 

So what are you waiting for? Book a cleaning today on our easy to use online booking page, and take the afternoon off with your family at Fairgrounds Park instead of spending your precious time cleaning your home. Give us a call, text, or email to get on our schedule!