Motivate Yourself to Clean with These Great Tips

October 24, 2019 by Mulberry Maids

Cleaning isn’t an activity most people look forward to, that’s for sure. Still, it has to be done. If you’re struggling to get the energy to clean and stay on top of chores, don’t worry! We’ve all been there. That’s why we’ve prepared a set of great tips to help you get motivated to clean.

If you simply don’t have the time and energy to clean, no matter how much you try to motivate yourself, hiring the finest professional home cleaning in Fort Collins may be exactly what you need. With the help from seasoned cleaning professionals, you can have the spotless home you’ve always dreamed of without wasting time and effort.

How do I get motivated to clean?

Sometimes, you just need a little push, whether you’re trying to make yourself clean the curtains properly or clean your glass table without clouding. Here’s how you can get yourself motivated to clean:

  • Play some music. Cleaning doesn’t have to be that boring! Make a playlist of your favorite tunes and play it while you clean to get in the mood.
  • Use a timer. Twenty minutes isn’t that long, right? Set your timer for a short period of time and try to stay focused. More likely than not, you’ll want to keep going once the timer goes off!
  • Have supplies ready. Before you begin, make sure to have all your non-toxic cleaning products in one place. In fact, you should make it a habit to always keep your cleaning supplies in an accessible place.
  • Follow a routine. It’s easy to get distracted when cleaning. Making a checklist of chores you intend to do is a great way to reduce frustration and stay on track.
  • Don’t strive for perfection. You don’t have to clean every inch of your home perfectly. Instead of getting caught up cleaning just one area in your home thoroughly, try tackling several smaller chores as you go.
  • Reward yourself. After hard work, it’s only natural that you’d want to treat yourself. And you deserve it! Go out for lunch or pour yourself a drink to reward yourself after you’ve dealt with the chores.

How can I get energy to clean my room?

If you live a busy life, it’s more than likely that you don’t feel like cleaning after a hard day at work, and that’s completely understandable. Still, your room won’t clean itself. So, what do you do when you don’t have the energy to clean?

Give yourself a boost

Playing your favorite music, meditating, taking a quick shower, or going out for a walk are all great ways to energize yourself and get motivated to clean. However, you should limit the time you spend on these activities, making sure they don’t turn into procrastination.

Eat well

A bad diet may be one of the reasons why you feel tired. If you make an effort to improve your eating habits, it’s likely that you’ll notice a significant change in your energy levels. Also, you should make sure to drink plenty of water on a daily basis to avoid getting dehydrated.

Start small

The best way to prevent getting overwhelmed with all the chores is to focus on just one small area in your room first, such as the bedside table or your desk. Once you notice immediate results, it’s likely that you’ll feel much more motivated to keep going.

Book the finest home cleaning Fort Collins has to offer

Maintaining a spotless home is no easy task, especially if you have kids or pets. If you’re still struggling to keep everything in check or just can’t keep a clean house with dogs no matter how hard you try, why not seek expert help?

You don’t have to do everything yourself! Reach out to Mulberry Maids and have knowledgeable cleaning pros take care of your chores for you. While they work their magic, you’ll be free to take a relaxing stroll at the Gardens on Spring Creek. Give us a call today!